Sunday 6 December 2009

Gone Fishin'

I whipped this crude composite up quickly to assuage certain anxieties we all had about this particular shot:

THIS IS NOT A FINAL SHOT. It is a crude mock up of the idea I had on how to complete it. It didn't take me very long, and while the results are far from perfect it's pretty allright for the time I spent on it and bearing in mind that I didn't touch After Effects (which is a necessary tool for making this shot look really great).

Additionally, since we havn't made the boat or float props yet the individual elements of the above composite are all wrong (e.g, the boat in the background is some random Google Image search result); our photographed boat will of course be inserted in its place.

But basically I put this up to show one way it could be done. I'm all for using cling-film ripples and waves if we have the time and if it looks convincing.

And just so you know what my above shot started out like:

Yeah. Exactly. So now imagine how much better it'll look when we construct it using our real props and sets, and give it proper lighting.


- James

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